Limitless Conversion Masterclass

"Right Now there are people praying for the transformation that only you can provide"

"Right Now there are people praying for the transformation that only you can provide"

Hello, I'm Jana Niksa, The Authentic Sales Coach!

But let's cut to the chase -this is really about you and your business. You started your business because you wanted freedom, to make a big impact, and to be financially independent. You didn’t start it to spend all our time chasing after customers or using tricks to make sales. I’ve worked in sales for many years, and I’ve learned a lot.

I’ve seen that online, getting customers can seem really complicated. Sometimes, people try to use quick tricks that promise fast success. But I’ve found that the best way to grow your business for a long time is by having strong sales skills.

Take the Quiz

Wanting to get to consistent 10k, 20k, and 50k months and beyond? Take this quiz to identify where your gaps are in your sales process. 



Limitless Conversion Masterclass:

Let's Convert Your Audience To Clients

It's time to break free from the marketing & content creation hamster wheel and understand the other side of the business that converts leads into actual paying clients...SALES!

And the best part is, you don't have to be a sleazy sales person...

While others are busy blaming the algorithm, their "Broke" audience, not having enough leads, and focusing at nauseam on content creation, we will be addressing the root of the problem directly.


Are you a conscious entrepreneur who feels called to build your business with more heart and less ego?  Are you looking to understand what building a business looks like with far less force and far more flow?  Get actionable tips and real world examples of how to mix “THE WOO & THE DO” and grow the business of your dreams!

Check out: Awakened Entrepreneur (R)Evolution Podcast


Check out my Pre-Sales Call Ritual Checklist my clients have used to double and even triple their close rate!

Want to show up as your most clear, connected, and confident self on your discovery calls? 

Feel like you are holding back on your sales call in fear of being salesy or letting the sales anxiety get to you?

Coaching Programs:

Connection To Conversion Group Program:

VIP Coaching packages:



Who Am I?

Did you know that multi six figure and million dollar businesses spend their time and energy focused on 1 THING until they hit the $10 million dollar mark, can you guess what that one thing is? 

Hi I’m Jana Niksa, The Authentic Sales Coach, but my friends call me “The Conversion Queen,” ;)But let’s be real, this isn’t about me…it is about you and your business.  You started an online business to have freedom, to create impact, and to be financially free, not to spend all day long chasing leads all over the internet and working 24-7.And you certainly didn’t become an entrepreneur to beg, force, and manipulate people into working with you, right?

I spent decades as a top performing sales executive, top closer in the nation, and with 40k sales calls under my belt, what I have seen in the online space is that the industry has complicated the heck out of the client enrollment process, and has you focusing on everything BUT what is actually going to move the needle in your business.

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Hey, Let’s Get Connected!

Work With Me

Questions? Not sure about what would be the best fit?  Please fill out this application and we can hop on a call together to determine next steps.


(For general questions or about speaking at your upcoming event)