How to overcome fear of rejection

Over the course of my 20+ years as a sales executive, I had the opportunity to mentor many new sales reps.  Over and over again, the primary fear they faced with selling was “What will people think of me?” or “What if they say no?” When I began coaching entrepreneurs, I noticed the fear of rejection was the most common fear they faced as well. In this article, I am tackling how entrepreneurs can overcome the fear of rejection, but first, what exactly is fear of rejection?

What is the fear of rejection?

The fear of rejection comes in many forms. This fear looks like holding back: 

  • from asking for what you want
  • from pursuing your dreams
  • from being authentically who you are  

The truth is, many people hold back because they have WAY too much of their self-worth riding on the outside world’s perception of them.

For example, you may hesitate to ask for the business or you may focus on that one hyper-critical person in your life before posting something bold on social media. Making decisions from this fearful place will lead you down the road to inauthenticity and the feeling of lack.

There is no power there. 

You are canceling  out your own  “IT” factor and playing small leads to small results.

But here is the hard and fast truth…

“What people think of me is none of my business.”

-Mark Twain

The first time I heard this, I wanted to understand, but didn’t.

I spent years pondering this quote. I didn’t want to accept it without understanding it.  Here is what I have come to know and embody. . . .

What People Think of You Is None Of Your Business 

Simply because what they think of you has everything to do with their inner state of being.  It is a reflection of their insecurities and has little to do with you.

If someone is put off by your courage to become an entrepreneur because you represent a subconscious, unhealed part of them. Perhaps they are not listening to their heart and don’t feel worthy of following their dreams.

That is why I love the saying:

“Hurt, people, hurt people.” Meaning those who are hurt, hurt others.

If a person is not happy on the inside, they will project this unhappiness to the outside as a defense mechanism.

Most of us think that if you can spot an unwanted behavior outside you, then you must not have it in you, right?

WRONG. If you spot it, you got it. 

Certain people are going to find fault with you no matter what you do. So why let someone else’s issues control you?

Don’t Hold Back

You are free to be YOU and when you can show up fully as all that you are, those that aren’t afraid of how bright you shine, will be naturally attracted to you and lovingly support you. The more you show up authentically and serve, your soulmate clients and customers will show up too, magically, out of nowhere.  

You have you own unique gift, never shy away from what makes you, YOU!

Once you overcome the fear of rejection, you are free to be you!

Taking the time to overcome the number one fear that entrepreneurs face, the fear of rejection, will save you so much time and energy. 

Don’t spend a bunch of time and money trying to make everyone happy, and focus on serving the customers that want what you have to offer.  

Never dim your light so that others can be comfortable. Give yourself permission to step into ALL that you are!

If you  would like more guidance  about connecting into more of your authenticity, check last month’s blog posts right here: 

And here:

If would like more of an up-close and personal approach to this process please check out my signature coaching course called:  The Connection to Close 
