The #1 Reason Entrepreneurs Self-Sabotage and How to Overcome it

Do you find yourself participating in self-sabotage as an entrepreneur?  You create a vision; establish your goals; you work your way towards your goals, but somewhere along the way, your wires get crossed. The next thing you know, you are way off course and not sure why.  I am going to tell you why self-sabotage exists and how to overcome it…

Why do Entrepreneurs Self-Sabotage? 

It is like there are two different versions of you fighting against each other.  

1.The conscious version that wants to grow your business.

2.The other side of you that completely resists change, discomfort, and risk. 

This is one of the most challenging parts of being human and entrepreneur.  This interesting phenomenon is called self-sabotage and I am going to tell you the number one reason we do it and how to overcome it.

Where does Self-Sabotage Come from?

In order to get off the vicious cycle of self-sabotage, you first have to understand what it is, and where it comes from. 

This begins with a basic understanding of the human mind: the conscious and subconscious mind.  

The conscious mind: is the thinking mind, it is the processing part of your brain.   It is the part of the brain that comes up with goals and the plan to achieve these goals. This is where willpower lives. It is often relied upon to achieve your goals, but it only makes up about 5% of your mind. Therefore when you are setting goals and using willpower to achieve those goals, you only have about 5% of your mind backing you.

The subconscious mind: is the data collector of experiences and it stores your feelings, beliefs, perceptions, emotions, which all come together to make up your personal identity.  The challenge here is that it is predominately outside of your conscious awareness and comprises over 95% of your mind.

Where does self-sabotage come from and what does it have to do with your subconscious mind?

Self-sabotage comes from your subconscious belief system and is in direct conflict with your conscious goals. 

For example, outwardly in your conscious mind, you want to make more money, but inwardly, you have a belief hidden deep within your subconscious that says money is the root of all evil.  So if that is the case, you only have 5% of your mind on board and the other 95% have a different perspective towards these goals.  Which part of you do you think is going to win?  

How Your Ego Connects with your Subconscious mind

The Ego’s primary role is to keep you safe and is the voice of your subconscious mind.  

What does safety look like?  It looks familiar and comfortable and it doesn’t like risk-taking or transformation. 

The #1 reason for self-sabotage is subconscious beliefs AKA the voice of the ego. 

Here are 2 key insights to help you overcome self-sabotage:

1) The voice you hear that is keeping you from your goals is the Ego.  

Its primary job is to keep you safe. If you are setting goals and challenging yourself outside of your comfort zone, your Ego is going to sound the alarms.  It mistakes risk-taking for your business, as danger. Your job is to get more familiar with the sound of the Ego alarm. It leads you to make decisions out of fear, and prevents you from achieving your goals because it tries to prevent you from taking risks.  It says things to you like, what if you fail or what will people think, and tries to prevent you from taking action. 

Rule #1: Don’t let your Ego mind talk you out of living the life of your dreams.

2) Become more familiar with other limiting beliefs that are blocking you from success

There are several methods to do this. One is to get still in meditation and visualize yourself as this next-level version of YOU.  The version who has already achieved the goals you want for your business.  Spend a lot of time here investigating what this version of yourself thinks and believes.  What are this version’s habits and what types of actions are you taking daily?  The more you tap into this identity, the more effectively you will see what subconscious beliefs you will have to let go of in order to become this person. Act as if you already are this person and see what resistance comes up.  This is the “stuff” you have to let go of that is currently blocking your business success. 

So there you have it: the #1 culprit of self-sabotage is your subconscious mind.

AND now you have the right mindset and some practices to help you overcome it.  

The key to overcoming this is awareness. When you are consciously aware of the dynamics of your mind and why it is telling you to act in opposition to your goal, you can decide to ignore it.  You can feel the fear and do it, anyway. 

Remember to question the thought: “Am I really in danger when I am asking a client for the business, or is this just my ego trying to keep me safe?”

If you can become a master of your thoughts and understand where these thoughts come from and why, your self-sabotage will be a thing of the past. I hope this has been helpful to you. Please make sure you subscribe to my newsletter here:

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