Why manifestation hasn't worked for you and your busness

The #1 Reason You haven’t Manifested the business of your dreams and how to change That!

You know you want it and it… so why haven’t you manifested the business of your dreams? Back in 2006, a book/movie called “The Secret” came out and rocked the self-development and spiritual world.  This was the first time many of us, myself included, had ever heard of manifestation and the law of attraction.  Chances are, you haven’t been able to manifest the dream life or business you desire.  There was a lot of information left out. Chances are the information what was left out if why you haven’t manifested the business of your dreams.

The #1  reason you haven’t manifested the business of your dreams and how to change it.

I want to give credit where credit is due, “The Secret” was amazing. It woke people up, and it gave them permission to dream again.  It offered new possibilities and empowered them, suggesting their life was 100% their responsibility. If their life wasn’t what they wanted, they had the power to change it, BUT…

It didn’t explain fully HOW to make the law of attraction work.  It left out an important key element…

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction goes far beyond visualization and vision boards.  You must get into the feeling of having already achieved the goal and from this state of feeling, take inspired action. The Secret left hundreds of thousands of people thinking if they made a vision board and stared at it all day, they would end up with a Ferrari in their driveway.  

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.  Having a vision, setting a goal, and taking the time each day to visualize this goal is only a fraction of the process.  

There is feeling and action involved, inspired action….Think about it, the law of attraction has the word action in it…

What is inspired action? 

It is an action that comes from deep within. It has a different energetic quality about it.  This action doesn’t feel like “to do” lists and everyday busyness, it is an action that feels expansive, exciting, magical, and often random.

Think of it like this: ‘The Secret” told you to turn on the GPS, get clear about where you wanted to go, and plug in the address, but talked little about the part where you drive the car and follow the directions. 

How do I follow inspired action?  

It begins with finding a still place inside you, which is achieved through meditation.  The more you meditate and set your intention to connect and listen, the more your intuition speaks to you.  Over time, you cultivate this inner guidance system.  If you ask for guidance, your intuition will guide you.  It is your job to PAY ATTENTION.

The key is to develop patience and trust in the process.  The way spiritual guidance works is that you cannot see the path, you only get to see the next step. Your job is to be clear and connected enough that you see the next step when presented and have the courage to take it. 

The more open your mind is and less distracted, the more you will be in constant communication with inspiration. A common question I get is, how do I know if it is inspiration or just me forcing action? Inspired action will feel expansive and there will be a rush of excitement behind it.  Regular actions will feel more like an obligation, like checking off a “to do” list.

Manifestation technique to help you connect with inspired action & speed up the process:

If you continue to take action from where you are, you will get the same results. You cannot create a new reality with your current identity. The very best way I know how to create the new reality you desire is to connect to the version of you that is in the reality you want. And bring that identity into who you are now and take action from there.

A GREAT exercise to practice is to connect with the energy of your future self, the self that already has achieved what you want. Connect deeply with how this future version of you thinks, acts, feels, and behaves. If you had already achieved the goals you desire, what actions would you be taking today? What would you have to believe about yourself for this to be true? How differently would you present yourself to the world each day? What does your day look like? Where are your focus and time going?

The most effective way to manifest the business of your dreams:

“like attracts like”, so when you are embodying this higher version of yourself, you will attract people, situations, and opportunities that will continue to support this version of you. That is how we truly attract what we want, you become what you want.

I hope this has cleared up your misconceptions about why you haven’t manifested the life and business of your dreams yet. I hope this has provided you with some specific practices to help you change it. 

Get clear, feel into what you want, start acting as if you have already achieved it, and watch the magic happen. If you would like some more guidance around this process, I have created this Free Next level self-hypnosis and you can download it Right Here

One final point:  The “how” and “when” are out of your control.  If you try to control or force this process, you will create resistance and therefore block the manifestation.  Your job is to surrender, trust, and allow yourself to be guided. Be patient, and enjoy the process.  

If you would like more information on this process or more in-depth coaching please check out http://www.jananiksa.com and follow me on Instagram

And don’t forget success, like happiness, is an inside job!!! It always starts within!!!

Happy Manifesting!