Meditation can transform your life and business

Meditation can be a game-changer for you. You may be asking yourself, HOW? Well, I have compiled three tangible examples of how meditation can transform everything for your life and business.

I think we can all agree that meditation is beneficial. It can help with relaxation, stress, focus, etc but are you familiar with how meditation works or how this process can change you?

When I first started meditating years ago, teachers would say: “Sit, clear your head and watch your thoughts?” What? How can you watch your thoughts if your head is clear? It is impossible for me to clear my head, I have tried, A LOT, and all it did was frustrate me. I also didn’t understand HOW watching my thoughts would change anything for me?

So let’s dig deeper into this concept…

How does meditation change your brain physically and affect your conscious and subconscious mind?  How does this show up in the real world?

Here are 3 tangible examples of how meditation can transform your business and your life:

1) Watching your thoughts and creating separation

The primary way that meditation can change your approach to your life and your business is by watching your thoughts. When you become an observer of your thoughts, you realize you are not your thoughts. The more you watch thoughts in meditation and do not engage with them, the more separation you create between you and the thoughts. So what does this mean?

Instead of letting yourself be carried away with a thought, you watch it as it rises into your awareness and let it pass you by, like clouds in the sky. You see the thought train, but you don’t have to ride it, instead, you let it pass you by. 

It means you cultivate the ability to CHOOSE what thoughts you want to engage in and what thoughts you don’t.  You create this ability to decide how you want to feel about a situation instead of being all caught up in it and a victim of your thoughts.

In business, this can mean all the difference, in your presentation skills, sales skills, and connecting with your customer.  Imagine going to close a customer without thoughts creeping in like: “Are you sure about this?” “What if they say no?”  “If  I don’t make this business deal, then I am a failure!”

You get to conduct business with a clear head.  Through meditation, you cultivate the skill to silence the inner critic (thought) right on the spot

From a physical standpoint, the evidence of meditation can be seen through a brain scan. In just 8 weeks there is a noticeable difference in the thickness of the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain that regulates emotion and self-referential processing. For more information click here

2) Meditation teaches you to question the validity of your thoughts

Another important way meditation can transform your life and your business is by looking at the validity of your thoughts. The more you distance yourself from your thought process, the more you see these thoughts as separate from you, and you question their validity.  This can stop anxiety, fear, and worry, dead in its tracks. As soon as the negative thought enters into your awareness, you have the skill set to question it by saying, “Hold up, wait a minute, is this even true?”

For example, let’s say your business partner didn’t return your call, but instead of launching into this inner turmoil about how they are no longer wanting to work with you,  you cultivate the skill to ask, “Is this true or is this just a thought trying to get my attention?”

Almost 100% of what you worry about doesn’t happen, so if you can ask  “Is this true?”  It brings you back to the facts, and not the prefabricated reality you are crafting in your head.

3) The power to embrace the present moment

Meditation helps you become more present which can drastically transform how you approach your life and business. When you are off in your head distracted by thoughts, chances are, you are off rehashing the past or worrying about the future.  Meditation helps train your body and mind to stay grounded in the present moment. I know everyone has heard about the power of the present moment, but again here is the HOW being present can benefit you.

Depression is living, thinking, and obsessing over the past, while anxiety is the product of living, thinking, and trying to predict the future. How much of your day is spent on the past that is gone and the future that doesn’t exist?  

Meditation helps reel your mind back in when you have those obsessive thoughts. Your mind tricks you into thinking if I sit here and worry about what is going to happen then I am doing something to help. This is a trick of the mind, it is not true, and is doing more harm than good.

Don’t forget:

“What you think about your bring about”

-Rhonda Byrne

Meditation is life changing for business success

Think of worrying about the future as negative goal setting.  Once you become someone who sits in the present moment, you cultivate the ability to snap yourself out of the worry game.

Perhaps you are worried about an important meeting.  Instead of taking your time up with that thought, you have now created the ability to ask the question, “What is true RIGHT NOW?” And get back to the business of now.

I hope these three examples of how meditation can change your life and your business, give you more insight into what all the fuss is about.  

These 3 principles have changed everything for me.  Meditation will help you become more proficient at helping you snap out of the thought.
If you would like more information about how to meditate or to go deeper into the benefits of meditation.  Check out my online course called: The Meditation Mentor: Meditation for Business Success right here

I hope you will give meditation a really good try, if you stick with it, it will change everything for you!