Build The Business of your dreams

Ready to Become Your “Next Level” Self right NOW? You know the future YOU that has already accomplished building the business of your dreams? It is absolutely possible, and in this article, I am going to discuss the 3 mindset hacks that will help you build the business of your dreams, starting right now!

First things first, stop running around trying to force things to happen in the outside world and instead, sit and connect with your next level self.  These three mindset hacks will help you do this, and help you build the business of your dreams while only taking inspired action, instead of forced.

It begins with the premise that, Success, like happiness, is an INSIDE job…

Building a business and hitting your revenue goals is 80% mindset and 20% skill set. Based on the laws of quantum physics, some would say it is even more heavily weighted in the mindset category…I know, hard to believe, right? 

And it goes against everything most of us were taught.

Unless your parents or teachers were ground breakers in mind science, epigenetics, and self development, chances are you were taught: work hard, try harder, and “The early bird gets the worm.”

While I do believe in hard work and achievement, it is mindset over skill set at the end of the day, no exceptions. Since it is my mission to help others take their businesses to the next level and sell authentically…

I am going to share 3 mindset hacks to help you build the business of your dreams. These mindset tips will help you step into your “Next Level” right NOW.

But before I do, I want to address the giant question that is probably running through your mind…

HOW is your mindset responsible for 80%+ of your experience? Let’s break this down scientifically. 

Law of Attraction and Mindset: 

Science has proven there are forces at work beyond your physical control. One of the most powerful forces in the universe is the Law Of Attraction (Or Law Of Correspondence). 

The fundamental concept of this law is “Like attracts like”, meaning you will attract experiences to you based on who you are, not what you want. Who you are is a set of beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, habits, and behaviors. All of this comes together to form your personality. According to Joe Dispenza, “Your personality creates your personal reality. Meaning how we think, act, and feel dictates what we experience. So this law is working for you on two different levels. The experience we attract and the meaning we give it, and this is based on our beliefs system and perceptions.

In order to take full advantage of The Law of Attraction, you need to attract specific experiences to yourself and your business. At the same time you need to make sure you are interpreting these experiences from a more positive state of mind than you have in the past.

3 Mindset Hacks to Help Build The Business of Your Dreams  

Hack #1: The universe is happening FOR you and not TO you

When you can begin to see everything you’re experiencing through this lens, you can approach any situation with gratitude, love, and understanding. You take on a “what can I learn here” mindset instead of a victim mentality. This will improve your state of being while you are experiencing the situation. And don’t forget “like attracts like’.  If you are keeping a higher state of mind, no matter what you are walking through, you will attract more and more positive experiences, in the end. This will send you into an upward trajectory into your next level or higher self.

Hack #2: Act as if it is already who you are

The Next level version of you exists NOW. It is the part of you that told you to build this business in the first place, cheering you on. The bottom line is, these desires would not be inside of you if they were not FOR YOU. 

Think of your desires for yourself and your business, as your next level self calling to you from the future saying, “You can do this…you have already done it!” 

So that is exactly what you are going to do. Tap into that future version of you now and think, act, and feel like the person who has ALREADY created the business of your dreams and exceeded your sales goals and ask yourself:  

  • What would that version of you be doing? 
  • How would you make decisions? 
  • What would you do differently today if you knew you couldn’t lose? 

I encourage you to feel into these questions and journal about them. Play around with who you would be and what your day would look like from this future vantage point, and act accordingly.

Hack #3: Visualize your way to success

There have been countless studies done on this very phenomenon. People can get better at something just by imagining it. The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between the “real” reality and an imagined reality. So you can program or trick your subconscious mind into believing the goals you want to achieve for your business have already been achieved. Visualize yourself landing the big clients and exceeding your sales goals. 

Feel the feeling you would feel as your business becomes the business of your dreams. The more you visualize this and bring in the emotions you would feel as if it were true, NOW, the more you will attract the people, opportunities, and situations you need to make this visualization a reality. AND This will also affect the way you think, act, feel, and change your behaviors in the outside world. 

Outwardly you will begin doing things as your next level self AND attracting more experiences to you based on what the subconscious mind believes to be true about who you are. It works on both levels, outwardly and inwardly.

The most important thing to remember 

When working with the Law Of Attraction is what Wayne Dyer famously said:

“You don’t attract what you want, you attract who you are.”

That is why people think if they create and stare at a vision board they will attract what they want. But the Law of Attraction works on a much deeper level, the subconscious level. 

You must change who you believe you are and that begins with a decision. The decision to become the next level version of you right NOW. 

Decide, say it out loud, and claim it! 

”I am my next level self!”

There is power in our words.

Mindset is key to your success, and I hope this helps you tap into and adjust your mindset accordingly. You can bend reality, create the business of your dreams, and exceed your sales goals using these simple 3 (but not necessarily easy) hacks. 

If you plan to do the work, you need to start with your mindset. Transform yourself into a magnet for what you want to attract!Wan’t more help or assistance with this process? I invite you to join my group coaching program, The Connection To Close, please check it out here