Learn to sell in a deeper and more intentional way: For the soul led entrepreneur

Mindset can make or break your ability to close the deal. As business owners, sales professionals, and entrepreneurs it is vital that we master our mindset around the sales process. When it comes to the “sales” part of your business, do you find yourself freezing up? If you said yes, you are not alone. That’s why I have put together these mindset tips for selling.

You may be confident in your business, product, or service but that does not guarantee success.

The good news is selling doesn’t require smooth talking or a pushy sales approach to get the job done! Like happiness, successful selling is an inside job.  You too can master your mindset around sales and closing, with these 5 mindset tips. 

5 mindset tips for selling and closing in a more intentional and more effective way:

1. Reframe your mindset around your intention of sales and closing in your business                                                                      

For example, you are serving your customers, not trying to “sell” them.  Remember you do not have to become someone else to be good at sales. You are all selling all the time even though you may not be aware of it: your opinions, your favorite restaurant, your new workout routine, etc.  So much of our everyday interaction with others is sales because all sales is, at the fundamental level, is a transfer of energy and emotion.  Meaning, this _______ brought me so much joy, and I want you to experience it as well.  What is wrong with wanting others to have a positive experience just as you have?  In that reframe, it would be a disservice not to share, right?

2. What are your thoughts about you as a sales person or sales people in general?

Do you say things to yourself like: “Sales people are too pushy and self serving”? 

Or maybe you are saying, “I am terrible at sales” or “I cannot stand closing, I don’t want to sound pushy?” You must bring your attention to and address these thought patterns because your thoughts around sales can make or break you. If you are having negative thoughts around your sales skills, these thoughts will negatively effect the outcome. 

Thoughts in our mind are like seeds, and the ones we water will grow. Are you choosing to grow flowers or weeds in your sales garden? Let’s do some thought pruning…If a negative thought pops up around sales, replace it with a positive affirmation or reframe it with a positive thought.  We may not have a a lot of control over what thoughts enter our mind, but we have absolute control over whether or not we choose to believe them. 

3. Not sure how you feel about sales or what is holding you back?

Many times there are underlying (subconscious) thoughts and beliefs holding us back and we don’t even know it, here is a way to identify them…

Pay attention to what you are saying to others around the subject matter of sales.  Much of the time when you are having an engaging and automatic conversation, you aren’t really up in your head, you are speaking directly from your heart. When you can take a step back and listen to what you are saying, you may notice your negativity around sales.  Pay attention and be mindful of how you are talking, venting, and complaining to others around the subject of sales and choose again. 

Our words are very powerful so let’s use them to our advantage.  If a negative comment slips out, flip and reverse it right there on the spot.  You would be amazed how just this practice will shift your mindset and your sales numbers. For example, I use to say thing like, “I am hoping to reach that goal “or I am going to try to close the deal”.   I have now flip that script to saying, “I AM going to reach that goal” or I AM going to close the deal.” PERIOD!  

“What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.”

– Buddha

4. Visualize your way to success.

This is one of the most valuable techniques of changing the way you experience the sales process in your business.  

Here is how it works:

Prior to the big meeting, visualize yourself having the perfect sales pitch and flawlessly closing.  Imagine how this would look, sound, feel, and use all of your senses.  What are you wearing, what does the room look like, what are the clients saying.  Imagine and feel the emotion of this experience in as much detail as you can.  

Here is why, your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between the actual event happening and an imagined event.  For example, imagine vividly you are sucking on a lemon.  Is your mouth watering or is your jaw clinched?  This is because your subconscious mind is responding as if the event is occurring for real.  

You can apply this practice to your sales meetings, and visualize everything going perfectly. When it is time to walk into the meeting room for real, you have your entire subconscious mind primed, lock, loaded and ready to deliver.  Getting your subconscious on board with your intentions and goals is the most powerful way to sell effectively and close naturally.  It will know just what to do, automatically, like driving a car. 

5. Master an abundant mindset

This is HUGE concept for us to master, but if you apply an abundant mindset to your sales conversations, you will take the pressure off everyone involved.  

Here’s how it works: 

You are in the middle of a presentation or close and negative thoughts and fears creep. The pressures around rejection and failure start to snowball.  The pressure becomes more than you can bear and it shows.  You get nervous, and now the fear of “No” is running the show and sabotages the sale.

What if you could stop this snowball spiral? What if you could train your mindset that there is more than enough business to go around?  When you have an abundant mindset made of this, you aren’t afraid of the outcome, you remain unattached. This creates next level confidence and ease that most people do not have, and your clients will notice.  Your job is to show up prepared, do the best you can, and let go of the rest.  

When you can navigate your sales conversations in this way, the pressure is off.  You are free to openly share the best of what you have to offer with confidence and ease. You know deep down that the answer the customer gives you doesn’t define you or your business. Sometimes it just isn’t a good fit and that is ok. There is freedom in detachment from the outcome and the irony is, it will make others really want to work with you even more.

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”

Wayne Dyer

So there you have it, 5 unconventional, yet highly effective, mindset tips for selling and closing. These tips will help you shift out of fear and self-doubt and into confidence and trust.  

What I have suggested here is simple, but it isn’t easy.  It takes time to reprogram how you think and approach the subject of sales and closing.  

Everyone has baggage around these concepts, especially any concept where money, security, and rejection are involved. The first step is wanting to believe and deciding you are ready to shift your mindset out of negativity.  For some, this will be a deal breaker.  Some of us thrive on these negative stories and concepts and will protect their victimhood at all costs.  

I know there is more for you if you are open to fine tuning your mindset to and visualizing a brighter, more successful future! 

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And remember all you are really accomplishing at the end of the day, is to makes someone’s life better with what you have to offer, and honestly what is wrong with that?  That is a very noble cause, do not shy away from it!

And Remember, success is an inside job!

Want to know what limiting beliefs are holding you back from making the sales you want? Take the Sales Self Sabtoging Quiz Here