The connection to Close with Jana Niksa

How to authentically connect with customers and sell naturally…

Closing a sale has proved to be one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face in their business. And for good reason, many think they have to be the pushy “ salesperson”  they know they are NOT. That process feels forced and uncomfortable for everyone involved. 

How to authentically connect with customers and sell naturally

Luckily, the times are changing, and the hard sell we have all come to detest is becoming a thing of the past. In order to effectively sell these days, you have to navigate this process in a totally different way. 

People don’t want to feel forced into making a decision, they want it to feel natural, a no brainer decision. This is where a deeper connection plays a MUCH bigger role in closing than we have ever given it credit for.

I am talking about a much deeper connection: to yourself,  to your intention, and to your potential customer. 

No more “fake it to you make it” confidence here, this is next level closing and the good news is, you get to be yourself while doing it!

Three levels of connection you must work through in order to sell authentically!

1. The connection to your inner self: 

In order to sell and close naturally, you have to know what that looks like for you.  How much time have you spent getting to know your inner self?  I am not talking about the outer roles we play out when interacting with others,  I mean your TRUE authentic self. In order to connect with others on a deeper level, you have to establish that connection with yourself.  

Make getting to know what makes you, YOU a priority.  What are your fears, your strengths, and your biggest dreams?  There are many avenues to going within, and they all revolve around a good self care routine. Remember, the better you are connected to yourself, the better you can connect with others.             

2. The connection to customers:

Once you have established a firm connection to yourself, you can get out of your own way.  Now, connecting to others feels more natural, you do not have to pretend to be anyone other than yourself.  This concept applies to closing and sales as well.  When you aren’t in your head thinking about what you should say, you are able to be present with customers and actually listen to them.  

Instead of doing what most sales people do, which is wait to talk, you can truly focus.  You will pick up on SO much more valuable information if you are focused on THEM and not how you think you are doing. Remember, customers buy when they feel understood, not when they understand what YOU THINK is important to them.  This authentic exchange will feel natural and refreshingly real.  You will not have to convince people to work with you; they will want to work with you.

3. The connection to the cause 

When I work with clients this is a deal breaker for me. We always start with your “WHY”. This is your big reason you are doing what you are doing, your intention. If your why doesn’t begin with a deeper heart felt intention, then I know this client isn’t a good fit for me.  I am not simply coaching someone on how to make money, I am coaching someone who is connected with a much deeper intention.  Chances are, if you have made it this far into the article, then you too, are one who has a deeper why.  

The reason to keep this WHY front and center is because your head likes to take charge of the sale.  Having thoughts creep in like:  “You have to make this sale, come on now, you aren’t going to hit your sales goal,” sabotage the sale. But here is what to remember, you are serving people, not meeting financial goals.  If you keep your WHY front and center, financial abundance will follow. All you have to have is the courage to stay the course, and not succumb to the pressure and fear.  

Making the connection to close

Well there you have it, This is what The Connection to Close is all about. If you truly embody the connection to your authentic self, your customer, and you WHY, you will transform your business. Times have changed, this is the new frontier for women in business, and what has made me successful as a female in the sales industry for a very long time.  We don’t have to become anyone else to be good at sales, we just have to get connected from the inside out.  I have an entire course where I teach this process in more depth and it is called “The Connection to Close.” Subscribe below for more information and weekly insights and updates!

Once this connection is established you too can be closing in such a natural and effective way, that you will not even realize you’re doing it and neither will the customer!

Stay connected and be the first to know when my next course, The Connection to Close drops, subscribe to my exclusive list today!

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