Here are the 7 steps to help you identify and let go of limiting beliefs and self sabotage…

If you are struggling to take your business to the next level, it may be time to look at and let go of what may be holding you back! Time to let go of limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are those stories, often fearful and generally subconscious, that hold you back from achieving your dreams. As you do more and more inner work, aka: meditation, journaling, introspection, reflection etc, you can become much more familiar with these beliefs.  

From a business perspective, the more you familiarize yourself with your limiting beliefs around money, success, and sales in general, and look at your “stuff,”  the more you see the untruth in it. The more we see the untruth in it, the less control these beliefs have over our lives, and we can choose to let them go for good. When we let these beliefs go, they stop holding us and our business back.

Step by Step Guide to identify and let go of limiting beliefs

Step 1: Figure out where your business is now.

Where is your business currently? What challenges are you facing and where are the areas that seem to hold you back?  What are your current habits and behaviors and how do you act, think, and feel on a daily basis. What does the current version of yourself in your current business look like to you?  Is there a particular area you feel blocked?

Step 2: Identify where you want to be.

What does your dream business look like and feel like? If you were meeting all of your business goals, what would your life look like? How would you act, think, and feel, what would be your habits and behaviors?  In other words, what does your next level self in your next level business look like to you?

Step 3: Figure out what needs to change from your current version to the next level version of YOU?

When you begin to think about the next level version of yourself and what that looks like, what sort of beliefs and fears come up?  They usually sound like thoughts of discouragement or excuses as to why you cannot accomplish something.  This is where the stories that block you live. Common stories/beliefs that most of us have involve things like: money, not being good enough, fear of failure, etc.  What are you telling yourself that is causing you to hold yourself back? Get super focused on these thoughts, write them down, really sit with them, and hear them out. 

Step 4: Identify your limiting beliefs possible origin

Now that you have identified some of the thoughts, beliefs, and fears that prevent you from moving forward.  Try going into quiet introspection, sit with these thoughts and emotions. See if you can trace them back to an earlier time in your life, perhaps in childhood, when you felt them for the first time? Try and remember the who, what, where, and when of the situation that made you buy into these beliefs. 

Perhaps, your dad was hard on you, and you developed a belief that you weren’t good enough. Or perhaps you watched your mom struggle to make ends meet, and you developed a belief that money is hard to come by. It may even be a belief that society created for you.  Either way, the more in touch you can become with this emotion the more ability you will have to let it go

Step 5: Question the beliefs validity and let it go

Now you practice questioning the belief. Can you see this was a childhood interpretation of a situation that may or may not have even been true? As children, we give meaning to situations that aren’t even real, but it is all our childhood brain could manage at the time. As we see the untruth in the belief, it immediately begins to fall away from our subconscious. We can feel the feeling, let go of it, and even find forgiveness. You can repeat this process for many different negative beliefs. Think of it like layers of an onion. The good news is, some beliefs you may see transform immediately!

Step 6: Create new beliefs

Now you get to choose the new beliefs you want to believe about yourself and your business. Here is an example from one of my own experiences. I was taught “You have to work hard for your money” and “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. Even though it wasn’t traumatic, it left me with a belief that I have to work hard for money. Once I identified and let go of this, I replaced this fear with a new belief. I now believe “Everything is always working out for me, as long as I follow my passion, the money follows me”. 

I am abundant, and YOU are TOO. If you are reading this you have more than 75% of the people on the planet. I don’t say that to make you feel guilty, but notice if it does. Write it down, that may be another limiting belief you’ll want to look at. It could be a story like “People with money are bad” or “Money is the root of all evil.”  I know DEEP stuff, but VERY powerful.

Step 7: Rinse and repeat

Throughout life and your business, as challenges come up, you will discover another block. At that time, you will identify what is holding you back, and you will rinse and repeat the healing process.

Taking Action:

If you feel like something is holding you back in your business, it is time to let it go. You will be shocked at how quickly the shifts can occur.

However, if you feel like you need more guidance, please check out my online course “The Connection to Close”. There are several weeks in the course devoted to this form of healing. The beauty is, we all have the ability to live the life of our dreams. It isn’t always what we have to learn, do, and create, so much as it is an unlearning of the sabotaging beliefs that are holding us back.  

I can promise you, if you do this type of healing work, you will see your business transform from the inside out.  You can create inner confidence, and a rock solid belief systems that will deliver you the life and business success of your dreams. 

Wan’t more? Check out this post: What is the Connection to Close?

Want to know what limiting beliefs are holding you back from making the sales you want? Take the Sales Self Sabtoging Quiz Here