Softening the sale

The biggest reason most people don’t like sales is that they believe sales is still based on the old sales model. This outdated model teaches to be scripted, pushy and aggressive. There is a new way to sell based on connection, authenticity, service, and trust – also known as Softening the sale.

You no longer need to use the old model to sell. There is a new energy emerging based on connection, authenticity, trust, service, and vulnerability that many are responding to and resonating with. It is a more natural approach to selling and a more feminine approach. 

How to Soften the Sale as a Female Entrepreneur 

Female entrepreneurs are at an important crossroads. You have a blank canvas on which to place your feminine energy. You can be a successful businesswoman and you don’t have to do it using the old sales mentality. 

So where to begin? With this big shift that is occurring, how can you tap into this energy and find our own unique sales process?

Let’s look at a few of these more feminine qualities….

  1. Connection to self

It begins with connecting with yourself. This will be (and already is) such an important component of embodying this energy. It is already inside each one of us. It’s our job to connect with it. We have to learn to resist the more “Yang/masculine” programming of ideas like competition, scarcity, and force and exchange them for this softer approach.

Let me be clear, it’s not that we want to abandon this mentality altogether, let’s keep the parts that work, that feel comfortable, and make sense, but leave the rest. This is a balanced approach. It isn’t one size fits all. 

I am not saying there is only one way in this method to sell. You get to make it your own and to make it your own, you have to do enough self-inquiry to connect with what is for you. The best way I know how to do this is through meditation. Get clear on what your dream sales process would be like.

  1. Authenticity

The old sales model wanted everyone to sell a certain way, say certain things, and, eye roll, “ABC” (always be closing). The new model will depend on what feels authentic to you. So many people feel uncomfortable selling because they think they have to become a different person to be successful. 

I often hear my clients say, ‘OH, I am NOT a salesperson.” Consider this: you CAN sell without being a “salesperson.” When you focus on connecting with others and you just be YOU, everything feels more natural. The right customers will resonate with you. They will become who you serve. 

The old sales model wants you to attract EVERYONE, it is greedy, wanting to hear only YES. The problem with that is you cannot serve everyone because everyone isn’t a good fit for what you offer. The more authentic you are, the more you will attract the right people. The people you can help. 

  1. Service

When you approach the sales process from this standpoint, it changes the energy around it. The fear of asking for the business shifts. Instead of “selling them,” you are asking if you can serve them.

This is a different dynamic. It comes with a sincere intention instead of a sneaky one. Of course, if you are not a pushy person, trying to sell this way is going to be super uncomfortable. Think of the words service vs. sales. How does each word feel to you? Does the word service soften the approach? Does it feel like a disservice to not share with those you can help? This is the mindset shift we must make to usher in this new, more feminine approach.

  1. Integrity and trust

This is a piece of the sales process that has been missing for far too long. The old sales model is short-sighted. To be successful, you have to let your heart (Feminine) guide you, not your brain (Masculine). 

Your brain may be saying, “CLOSE this person,” but your heart may say, “No, I cannot help in the way they need it.” When you know you are doing the right thing, the customer can feel it, making everyone more comfortable in the situation. The more connected you are with yourself, the more you will do the right thing. That speaks volumes to others. When you deliver on your promises, you have a customer for life, not to mention referrals.

The moral of the story is don’t let fear guide you, let love. The more love can be your compass in every situation, the more the sales process will feel natural for you. It is time, as females, we take our power back. 

There is another way to be successful in business. 

You do not have to sell like a man. You are built completely differently. The world is changing. New energy is here. You will see more and more love-conscious businesses popping up. All will not be female-run, but I promise they will embody the values I have shared here.

As 2021 ends, say goodbye to the old sales model. You can sell your way on your terms and stay in alignment with who you are. 

I know this is a big leap for many. If you would like more information,  please click here to subscribe to my weekly blog and/or my monthly newsletter.

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