Meditation Tips For Business

A simple way to connect with your clients and close more deals is simple. Get out of your head and into the sale by practicing meditation. Yes, meditation for business success!

Have you noticed most top performers, claim that meditation has been a key component to their success? Why do you think that is? 

Let’s break down how meditation helps you master your inner game. As well as learn more about how you can get out of your head. Having a strong meditation practice can help you be more present and connect better with clients and close more deals. 

Get out of your head with Meditation 

Are you familiar with the voice inside your head? It is okay if you are not and it doesn’t make you crazy if you are….We ALL have one.

It is the usually negative voice that is critiquing your every move. It knocks you out of the present moment and is always feeding you information about how you look, how others act, and commenting on everything going on around you. This voice can be very distracting and often causes you to lose your connection.

As someone who was in the sales industry for over two decades, I don’t know of a time when that voice is louder than when you are up in front of others presenting a sales presentation, trying to connect with clients, and close deals. Meditation for business is a game changer!

Entrepreneurs, does this sound familiar? 

You are presenting the data and communicating the reasons this potential client should do business with you and POOF….There it is, that voice in your head, right in the middle of the conversation. It starts distracting you, causing you to lose your train of thought, sabotaging you from closing the deal.

Okay, if you are still following then I am sure you can relate. So the big question is now that we know this “Debbie Downer” voice is there, how do we get rid of it, or better yet, how can we turn it into our biggest fan?

Meditate…just do it! – Meditation For Business Success

I know you have heard it all before. I am sure you have even thought to yourself, I should meditate. Maybe you tried once or twice, but not enough to see the benefit. Plus, people have many misconceptions about meditation. They think you clear your mind or stop thinking. That is about as ridiculous as saying heart, stop beating. Your mind’s primary function is to think and to entertain thoughts, so why would we try to stop this process.

The initial goal in meditation is to separate yourself from your thoughts. Meaning thoughts flow into your awareness as you sit quietly and, instead of claiming them, let them pass by. This is called open awareness or mindfulness meditation. Over time, you distance yourself from your thoughts. The more space you create between your (awareness) and the thoughts that flow in and out of your mind, the more control you have over them. This gives you the power of choice in how you want to feel at any given moment. Especially, the moments when you want to focus and be present, for example, when you are with a customer.

Meditation is how you master your thoughts and get out of your head…Here’s how it works:

As you practice meditation, you become more and more disassociated from your thoughts. You may recognize the more you practice this dissociation, the broader your perspective, and the more you connect with a deeper sense of self, some call this your higher self. This does take time and commitment, but the payoff is HUGE.

Begin by sitting quietly, focusing on your breath, and observing your thoughts. Remember, this is called a meditation practice, so be gentle and patient with yourself. If you realize you got lost in a thought, just gently guide yourself back to your breath, with no judgment or frustration, this is just part of the practice.

You are retraining your brain and how it responds to the thoughts that come up.  I should mention we all assume we are the thinker of all of our thoughts and some we are, but many times we are not. Would you choose to think such thoughts during a sales conversation that could cost you the sale? NO. Many of the thoughts that come into our awareness did not come from us, they are out of our control. The only control we have is whether or not we are going to let them in or let them pass by.

So let’s imagine that voice in your head now in the midst of a sales discussion with a potential client…

Now you cultivated awareness through your meditation practice, you have created space between you and the thoughts trying to distract you from the sale. As you are talking with your customer, you see the thoughts come up, but they do not capture your attention.  Fearful thoughts may arise like, “This isn’t going well” or “He isn’t even listening to me” but you know what to do, you have that extra space to breathe through them and let the thought pass you by. You see the untruth in them, and the thoughts are just auditioning for your attention. You have now cultivated the power to choose whether or not you are going to believe it. When you don’t buy into it, you can continue your sales discussion without spiraling into anxiety and fear.  You stay out of your head and in the sales discussion, present and connected with the customer.

Be present, stay connected, and watch the magic happen…

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many benefits of meditation but it is for sure one of the most life-changing for your business. Just imagine how effective you can be with a customer if you can communicate openly without the interference of negative thoughts.

As a salesperson myself, I have seen firsthand how this process can transform an encounter with a customer from scattered to completely connected. Just being this present alone, will be a breath of fresh air in a world of people who are distracted, and completely disconnected both from themselves and their customers. This connection not only helps you build a relationship with the customer, but it also helps the sales process flow more naturally from the beginning to the close.

If you would like to learn more about meditation tips for business success, SUBSCRIBE here for weekly insights and updates on how to make the sales process work for you. Remember, sales success is an inside job!

Wan’t more on meditation for business success and mindset? Read: 3 Mindfulness Practices to Help You Destress and be Productive!